Petrindo Semesta will participate in “The 43rd IPA Convention & Exhibition 2019”
August 20, 2019
1:01 am by editor
Petrindo Semesta will participate in “The 43rd IPA Convention & Exhibition 2019” from 4-6 September 2019. The annual IPA Convention and Exhibition is the largest gathering for the Oil and Gas sector in Indonesia and attracted over 23,000 visitors in 2018.

This will be the first time Petrindo Semesta will participate at the event and we are excited to be joined our Key Principals. We invite you to visit us and to discuss how we can help you with the challenges you are facing whether it is in the area of power generation, compression or providing matting solutions for expediting your drilling and workover programs. We look forward to seeing you!
Our booth is at Assembly Hall – AS-23
Categorised in: News & Events
This post was written by editor