Petrindo Semesta Leadership

With years of vast industry experience, Petrindo management delivers effective and inspiring leadership that help our employees create quality products, services and solutions that will exceed the expectation of our customers. Our directors and management team cultivate the company’s success with their leadership expertise, skills and experience.

Herman Karmana
President Commissioner

Peter Charles Latumahina

Trisno Winarso
President Director

Simon J. Ford
Matting Board Director

Hero Haryono
Customer Service Director

Vania Erinna
Finance & Administration Director

Petrindo has a reputation for performance and reliability in the industry. And we have expanded our capabilities and global collaboration to give our customers the most comprehensive resource solutions.

Product Support

Petrindo offers a fast and easy service

Through our product support contact center, Petrindo offers our customers a fast and easy service. Customer can quickly reach the right person with email or call for all your equipment needs, questions and other technical issues. Our product support team can connect Customer with the right channel to help keep your operation running.

Call Support Email Support